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Estes Rockets - Luna Bug Rocket Launch Set, Intermediate - Hobby Recreation Products
Estes Rockets - Luna Bug Rocket Launch Set, Intermediate - Hobby Recreation Products
Estes Rockets - Luna Bug Rocket Launch Set, Intermediate - Hobby Recreation Products
Estes Rockets - Luna Bug Rocket Launch Set, Intermediate - Hobby Recreation Products

Estes Rockets - Luna Bug Rocket Launch Set, Intermediate

$ 7.99 
SKU: EST0816
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The Luna Bug is a lot of power packed into a tiny body, soaring all the way up to 800 ft on Estes Mini Engines! This intermediate rocket is the perfect step up from ready-to-fly models, or for the entry level modeler that wants to start with a challenge. Keep altitudes high with the Luna Bug!


  • Length: 3 1/2"
  • Diameter: 1/2"