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Carisma - MSA-1E 7.7g Brass Steering Knuckles (1 pair) - Hobby Recreation Products
Carisma - MSA-1E 7.7g Brass Steering Knuckles (1 pair) - Hobby Recreation Products
Carisma - MSA-1E 7.7g Brass Steering Knuckles (1 pair) - Hobby Recreation Products

Carisma - MSA-1E 7.7g Brass Steering Knuckles (1 pair)

$ 22.60 
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SKU: CIS16380
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Adds 15.4g to the front axle. This will enhance the overall crawl ability by lowering the vehicles overall center of gravity, as well as biasing the weight forward.
Fits all series of MSA-1E