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GoatGuns - 1/4 Scale Die Cast SVD Model - Hobby Recreation Products
GoatGuns - 1/4 Scale Die Cast SVD Model - Hobby Recreation Products
GoatGuns - 1/4 Scale Die Cast SVD Model - Hobby Recreation Products
GoatGuns - 1/4 Scale Die Cast SVD Model - Hobby Recreation Products

GoatGuns - 1/4 Scale Die Cast SVD Model

$ 29.99 
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The SVD Dragunov Sniper Rifle, developed in the late 1950s in the Soviet Union by Yevgeny Dragunov, is a semi-automatic rifle chambered for the 7.62x54mmR cartridge. It was adopted by the Soviet military in 1963 and served as a designated marksman rifle.

The SVD gained international popularity, with various variants and adaptations, and remains in use worldwide due to its reliability and ruggedness, leaving a lasting legacy in military firearms development.

Buy now to display this fine piece of history on your desk in GoatGuns model form.

  • Get your hands on a piece of history. Part of the Sarge's classic collector's series, you will be impressed by the durability.
  • Miniature SVD (Snayperskaya Vinyovka Dragunov) model
  • Does not cycle dummy rounds
  • Pure black metal with Wood-grain metal stock & guards
  • View through scope
  • Bolt functions

  • 'Affirmative' assembled reaches 11" (28cm).
  • It is spot on at 1:3 scale of the SVD.
  • It is 100% die cast metal including the wood grain (opposed from the AK models that the wood grain is plastic).
  • Weighs 8 ounces.